This document and any attached materials are the sole property of MFGA and are not to be disseminated, distributed, or otherwise conveyed to those without a need for this information or to any third parties without the express permission of the MFGA.
June 6, 2016
• Since 1981, the Moncton Fish and Game Association Inc has been an independent registered incorporated body with Letters Patent in the Province of New Brunswick and has existed as an association since 1924.
• The Moncton Fish and Game Association Inc has used, by proxy, the Constitution of the New Brunswick Wildlife Federation as its ad hoc constitution.
• The Moncton Fish and Game Association Inc, as an independent corporate body, should not rely on any other corporate entity for guidance or policy and should have its own Constitution and By-Laws which reflect its circumstances and requirements and serve its members, therefore
Notice is hereby given that:
the following Constitution and By-Laws, as approved by the membership, will henceforth be the Constitution and By-Laws of the Moncton Fish and Game Association Inc and will be used (and modified from time to time) by the Moncton Fish and Game Association Inc as the sole and only governing principles of the organization and the normal operating procedures of the Association; and the Constitution of the New Brunswick Wildlife Federation will no longer be used as a proxy by the Moncton Fish and Game Association Inc.
Passed at the general meeting of members this day, May 2, 2016, in the City of Moncton, New Brunswick.
(A) “Association” means the Moncton Fish and Game Association Inc., as per Letters Patent.
(B) In each by-law, and in each article of the Moncton Fish and Game Association Inc., the singular shall include the plural, the plural shall include the singular and the masculine shall include the feminine and the neuter.
(C) The headings in each by-law and article are inserted for the convenience of reference only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation of the provisions of such by-law or article.
(D) “Executive Committee” means those elected and appointed officers of the association as identified in Article IV. “Executive” can be singular but it may also be synonymous with Executive Committee.
(E) “Member” means a member in good standing of the Association as outlined Article III.
(F) “Range Officer” means an individual who is accredited by the Association’s Executive Committee or has accreditation recognized by the Executive Committee to act as a Range Officer at the Association’s Victoria Road Range.
(G) “Association Range Operating Rules” are the rules of conduct and operation established by the Executive for the Associations Victoria Road Range, and approved at a general meeting of the members.
(H) “Approved User” is any Association member who has paid the supplementary annual fee to use the Victoria Road Range, has completed the appropriate application, provided their PAL number, and has indicated that they have read and understood the range operating rules.
(A) To promote and encourage wildlife conservation and preservation as well as the sports and associated activities of hunting, fishing, and recreational sport shooting.
(B) To foster sound management and wise use of renewable and non-renewable natural resources to help ensure that their economic, recreational, aesthetic and cultural values may continue to benefit this and future generations.
(C) To promote and encourage firearms safety and hunter education as well as the safe and responsible use, storage and transportation of firearms and the adherence to all present and future laws governing firearms and their use.
(D) To encourage all members and the general public to obey federal, provincial and municipal laws pertaining to hunting, fishing and the use, handling, transport and storage of firearms.
(E) To encourage the provision of opportunity for enjoyment of healthful outdoor recreation to adults and youth.
(F) To educate individuals of all ages, and especially youth, to appreciate and practice sportsmanship, safety, and ethics in the conduct of their outdoor activities.
(A) Membership may be granted upon receipt of a completed application form and upon payment of the annual dues (C) and by meeting the requirements set down in the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association. Members must not be under suspension of any privileges extended by any federal, provincial or municipal wildlife, habitat or firearm laws. Examples include: Provincial Fish and Wildlife Act, any Provincial Species at Risk Act or Federal Species at Risk Act, the Migratory Bird Convention Act, the firearm provisions of the Criminal Code, the Federal Fisheries Act or the Federal Firearms Act. New applicants will receive a copy of the Association’s Constitution, By-Laws and Range Safety Handbook and acknowledge in writing they have read and understand the documents.
(B) Classes of Memberships
Regular Membership - The member must be at least 18 years old. Regular membership includes voting privileges and the ability to hold an officer position in the Association.
Youth Membership - A Youth Membership is granted to persons under the age of 18 provided the applicant meets the above-noted requirements and provides signed consent from a parent or guardian. Youth Membership does not include voting privileges nor the ability to hold an officer position in the Association.
Life Membership - The Moncton Fish and Game Association Inc. may grant a Life Membership to a member in good standing who has made an outstanding contribution to the Association over an extended period. Such a membership is gratis. (Details provided in the By-Laws)
(C) Annual Membership Dues
Membership shall be granted upon payment of a yearly fee, to be determined at the annual meeting. The Moncton Fish and Game Association shall operate on a calendar year (January 1st to December 31st).
Any member who fails to pay the Annual Membership Fee shall be suspended from all privileges of the Moncton Fish and Game Association membership until such time as the delinquent member pays the outstanding annual membership dues.
Any member changing their address or personal information must notify the Association Secretary of the change.
Members who wish to become Approved Users and have access to the Association’s Victoria Road rifle and Pistol Range must pay a supplemental annual fee, as approved at a meeting of the members, to cover the costs of operating and maintaining the range. Members who have not paid said supplemental fee are not authorized to use the Association’s Range, but may attend as a paid guest of an Approved User.
(D) Membership Suspension
Any member who:
is convicted of an offence under any federal, provincial or municipal legislation related to wildlife conservation, habitat or firearm ownership, transportation or storage.
after investigation by the Executive Committee, has been found to have conducted themselves in a disorderly manner at a regular meeting, Association activity, or at the range; or
wilfully destroys property of the Association; or
wilfully defames the Association; or
by their actions or words, places the Association in a situation of potential liability; or
violates the Articles of the Association’s Constitution and By-Laws or other policies or rules of the Association, shall have their membership revoked immediately. Any member whose membership is so suspended shall be entitled to a hearing before the Executive Committee for the purpose of requesting a reinstatement. The decision of such a hearing may be appealed to a general meeting of the members.
(E) Termination of Membership
(1) All classes of membership in the Association may be terminated at any time by the Executive Committee for “just cause”. The following would constitute “just cause”:
a. failure to pay annual membership dues or range fees when required by the constitution and By-Laws of the Association;
b. any act detrimental to the best interests of the Association its members, or its mandate;
c. verbal abuse, or harassment of other members, executive, or Range Officers and;
d. any dangerous or irresponsible use of a firearm on the range.
(2) Any member whose membership is terminated by reason of Article III, Paragraph E (1) (a), shall have the opportunity to request reinstatement at any time upon payment of their outstanding annual membership dues.
(3) Any member whose membership is terminated by reason of Article III, Paragraph E (1) (b, and c) shall be entitled to a hearing before the Executive Committee for the purpose of requesting reinstatement.
(4) Any member reported for dangerous or irresponsible use of a firearm at the range may, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, be reported to the Chief NB Firearms Officer or police of jurisdiction.
(F) Resignation
(1) Any member who resigns their position, or leaves the Association and is no longer a member must immediately return any assets of the Association in their possession (material, cash, ticket books, tools etc) to the Association.
(A) The Executive Committee of the Association shall consist of:
President (elected and voting member of Executive)
1st Vice-President (elected and voting member of Executive)
2nd Vice-President (elected and voting member of Executive)
Secretary (elected and voting member of Executive)
Treasurer (elected and voting member of Executive)
One Director at Large (elected and voting member of Executive)
Membership Director (elected and voting member of Executive)
Prize Director (elected and voting member of Executive)
Range Manager (appointed by the Executive as voting member of Executive)
Immediate Past President (advisor and voting member of Executive)
Chief Range Safety Officer (appointed voting member of Executive)
The President (elected):
presides at all meetings of the Association and Executive Committee.
maintains order at all times and, with the Executive Committee, enforces the Constitution and By-Laws as deemed necessary
Will not vote on any issue brought forward except in the case of a tie, where the President shall vote as per Robert’s Rules of Order.
shall be an ex-officio member of all Association Committees except the Nominating Committee.
on behalf of the Executive appoints chairpersons for all committees looking after Association operations and activities. All committee appointments shall be ratified by the Executive Committee.
monitors the progress of all committees, programs etc. to ensure that objectives are being met; and
works closely with other members of the Executive in their areas of responsibility.
1st Vice-President (elected):
assumes all duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President; and
assists the President when requested or required; and
is a voting member of the Executive Committee
2nd Vice-President (elected):
assumes all of the duties of the 1st Vice-President in the absence or disability of the 1st Vice-President and of the President upon the absence or disability of both the 1st Vice-President and the President.
assists the President when requested or required; and
is a voting member of the Executive Committee
Secretary (elected):
keeps a true and proper record of all Association business including, but not limited to, the minutes of both the General and Executive Meetings.
notifies the Association Members of the Association Meetings.
handles all correspondence of the Association.
carries out such other duties as prescribed by the Executive Committee.
maintains a list of all assets of the Association and the custodians thereof; and
is a voting member of the Executive Committee
Treasurer (elected):
keeps an accurate account of all Association monies received and paid out.
keeps a record of all financial transactions of the Association and presents a verbal financial summary to the membership at each General Meeting and a year-end financial statement in a printed form suitable for review by the membership and an audit committee.
deposits all monies in a Chartered Bank or Credit Union and pay by cheque all bills payable by the Association, once approved by the Executive Committee. Any cheques to be cashed against the Association’s account must be co-signed by the Treasurer and one of two other approved executive cosigners
carries out such other duties as prescribed by the Executive Committee; and
is a voting member of the Executive Committee
Director at Large (One) (Elected):
assist other members of the Executive Committee in the delivery of their responsibilities
attends executive meetings
carry out duties as prescribed by the Executive Committee.
Directors are elected by the membership and must be members in good standing.
Director at large is a voting member of the Executive Committee.
Membership Director (Elected):
enrols new members and renews the membership of existing members
is responsible for issuing membership cards and collecting fees and membership forms.
liaises with the office of the New Brunswick Chief Firearms Officer to ensure that firearms Authorizations to Transport are added to the individual’s firearms license in a timely manner.
coordinates membership lists with the National Firearms Association for insurance purposes.
is a voting member of the Executive Committee
Range Manager (nominated by the Executive- confirmed by Membership):
is responsible for overseeing the operation of the Association’s Victoria Road range and liaising with the New Brunswick Chief Firearms Officer in conjunction with the Chief Range Officer.
contributes to the Association’s annual budgeting exercise by developing proposed work and activity plans for the range;
recommends to the Executive Committee improvements to the range to ensure safety standards are maintained and range facilities comply with applicable federal and provincial regulations.
In conjunction with the Chief Range Safety Officer advises when range operating rules should be added, amended or removed.
is a voting member of the Executive Committee
due to the background required to manage the range the Executive will solicit a Range Manager, who will be confirmed by membership vote.
Prize Director (Elected):
procures prizes for the annual Sportsman’s Dinner as part of the Dinner committee;
keeps accurate records of the prizes purchased and their costs;
stays within allocated budgets for prize purchasing;
consults with the dinner Chair and Executive on types of prizes to be purchased; and
is a voting member of the Executive Committee
Immediate Past President:
The president of the past Executive Committee shall act as Past President to assist the new officers and may attend all executive meetings.
The Immediate Past President is a voting member of the Executive whose main role is that of an advisor to assist the new executive. The Past President can sit on committees and working group and normally chairs the nominating committee.
Chief Range Safety Officer (nominated by the Executive & confirmed by membership):
is responsible for the day to day safe operation of the Association’s Victoria Road range and oversees range safety.
provides guidance to other Association Range Officers and works closely with the Range Manager to ensure inspection standards are maintained.
is responsible for the issuance of range keys (if used) or other security measures at the range such as combination lock, electronic gate, temporary closures etc).
due to the technical background required, for the range, the Executive will solicit a Chief Range Safety Officer, who will be confirmed by membership vote.
(B) The Executive Committee (Executive) is responsible for the maintenance and general upkeep of all Association properties and equipment. The Executive is responsible for overseeing all financial expenditures including the financing of all special events such as barbecues, banquets and all social and regular gatherings of the Association. The Executive (primarily through the President) acts on the Association’s behalf on all matters dealing with the general public and all levels of government as well as other groups.
(C) Members of the Executive shall be elected annually at the February Annual General Meeting of the Association. The newly elected members of the Executive will assume their duties immediately following the election.
(D) The Executive will meet monthly and prior to regular monthly meetings or on an as required basis. Whenever possible, meetings will be held face to face but in circumstances where such meetings can not be arranged conference calls and telephone polls may be conducted.
(E) For purposes of Executive Committee voting, only the individuals holding duly elected positions outlined in Article IV (A) have voting privileges. Invited guests, observers, or Committee Chairs do not have voting privileges at Executive Committee meetings.
(F) When necessary due to lack of candidates, illness, or resignation, one person may occupy two positions such as Secretary/Treasurer or Vice President/Range Manager. In any such case the individual carries only one vote.
(G) Should a member of the Executive not be able to fulfill their mandate, an interim replacement may be solicited and nominated by the Executive from the general membership to fill the vacancy until the next election. The nominee will be confirmed by membership vote at the next monthly meeting.
(H) Members of the Executive will not normally chair committees but may be participate as working members. If no other committee member wishes to chair then a member of the Executive may assume the chair.
(A) This Article shall apply to all Executive, Directors, appointed Chairs, Members or any other persons who are acting on behalf of Association.
(B) A conflict of interest is a situation where a reasonable person would consider an ‘applicable party’ to have an interest that may conflict with that person’s ability to act in good faith and in the best interest of the Association. A conflicts of interest occurs whenever the financial or personal interests of an applicable party are inconsistent or differing from the interests of the Association, whether real or perceived. A conflict of interest exists when an applicable party has an existing or potential interest in any entity, transaction or arrangement in which the Association also has an existing or potential interest, or when an applicable party will benefit in any manner directly or indirectly from the Association.
(C) An applicable party or parties shall avoid financial transactions between themselves and the Association, themselves and a third party, or the Association and a third party that may adversely affect the performance of their duties. This includes any transactions involving entities of which an applicable party or parties is/are a director, trustee, officer, committee member or employee or has a financial interest (Ownership, Shareholder or position of control).
(D) An applicable party or parties will avoid the promotion of their own personal interests within the Association and will avoid outside directorships, executive memberships, financial or business relations that would affect their ability to fulfil their duties to the Association. They will also avoid the receipt of gifts, real or intangible that would or may influence their responsibilities and duties to the Association.
(E) An applicable party or parties that have been privy to confidential information about the Association (including the membership list and financial information) will only use this information for purpose associated with the Association and will not be disclosed to outside parties unless approved by the Executive, or if the information is required concerning the laws of the land; examples: New Brunswick Chief Firearms Officer, or requested by the courts.
(F) Any party or parties must report and make full disclosure of any potential conflict of interest real or perceived to the Executive. This includes all Members, Executive, Directors and appointed Committee Chairs.
(G) If any member of the Association believes any applicable party or parties has failed to disclose a potential conflict of interest, they shall inform the Executive who will investigate and take appropriate action. In the event that an applicable party has not disclosed a potential conflict of interest the Executive will allow that party or parties an opportunity to explain why the potential conflict of interest was not disclosed. A further investigation would occur pending the review of said explanation. The Executive and Directors will then take appropriate action which may include the dismal or removal of applicable party or parties from their duties or position, including one’s membership to the Association. Any member of the Association who notes an unaddressed conflict of interest within the Executive or Appointed Chairs may seek third party counsel, raise the matter at a general meeting, and proceed as appropriate.
(H) If a party or parties declares they have, or are found to have conflict of interest, they will receive direction from the Executive, and will not participate in any discussion or voting procedures of the Association. Minutes of general and Executive meetings shall contain appropriate notations where an individual has withdrawn from the discussion and abstained from voting due to conflict of interest.
(I) The Executive and Directors of the Association will administer this Article by: reviewing any disclosures that have been reported; deciding on appropriate actions or recommendations; and answering any questions pertaining to the Article.
(J) The minutes of any meeting which contain any discussions of a potential conflict of interest will include: the applicable party or parties, the potential conflict of interest, and if the applicable party had removed themselves from the meeting or any voting procedures. If the party was allowed to remain in attendance under the instruction of the Executive, the instruction would be recorded into the meeting minutes as well.
(K) This Article should not prevent or inhibit individuals from serving as Executive, Directors, Chairs or working on behalf of the Association, but is intended to ensure that there is no bias or self-interest (real or perceived) in the administration of the Association.
(A) The Association assumes no liability for the safety, well-being or comfort of any person engaged in any of the Association activities.
(A) All shooting at the Association’s Victoria Road Range shall be conducted in accordance with the Associations Range Safety Handbook and any operating rules as approved by the Executive Committee and ratified by the members at a regular monthly meeting.
(A) The Financial and Membership Year of the Association shall be from January 1st to December 31st of each year.
(A) In the event of the dissolution of the Moncton Fish and Game Association Inc., the assets of the Association remaining after the payment of all debts shall be donated to the New Brunswick Wildlife Federation, or its successor.
(A) The Constitution and any By-Law may be added, deleted, altered or amended at any special meeting, annual meeting or general meeting by a two-thirds majority vote of the Members present, provided that notice of such alteration or amendment has been provided to all Members at least sixty (60) days prior to the meeting at which the vote is to be held.
(B) Electronic communication will be the accepted means of broadly communicating with members.
(C) At any general or special meeting of the Association five percent of the total membership shall constitute a quorum. At any Executive meeting five members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
(D) “Robert’s Rules” will be used as the guide for conducting meetings, and dealing with motions, elections etc.
Moncton Fish and Game Association Inc.
(A) The By-Laws of the Moncton Fish and Game Association Inc. are designed to enable the orderly transactions of the daily business affairs of the Association.
(A) By-laws may be amended or added at any General or Annual Meeting. Notice of any intended amendment or addition must be given to the Executive Committee and Members thirty (30) days in advance of the meeting. Amendments or additions to the Association’s by-laws may be proposed by any Member, including members of the Executive.
(A) The Annual General Meeting (February) shall be considered as the ‘first’ meeting of every year.
(B) General monthly meetings will be held the first Monday of every month excluding July and August. Meetings that fall on statutory holidays will be rescheduled to the following Monday.
(C) The Executive Committee will have the power to cancel or call a meeting of the membership at another time and date if in the Executive’s opinion circumstances warrant such action. In the event of this occurring all members must be informed.
(D) Should it be necessary, the Executive Committee may meet in July or August to deal with any urgent issue that cannot wait until the resumption of regular meetings.
(E) Typed copies of the minutes of all meetings shall be prepared and kept by the Secretary and be made available to all Members upon request.
(A) The Executive Committee may, from time to time, appoint Committees and Committee Chairs to initiate and promote the ongoing work of the Association. All committee Chairs shall be appointed by the president and attend executive meetings as needed. All Committee Chairs shall report and make recommendations to the Executive Committee as to the Committee’s plans and expenses, and shall contract or incur no financial expenses exceeding the budget amount authorized by Association vote, without the approval of the Executive.
(B) Committee Chairs do not vote at Executive Committee meetings.
(A) Prior to the Annual General Meeting each year, the President shall ask the Past-President to form, and chair, a Nominating Committee for purposes of electing a new executive. The chair of the nominating committee shall solicit two other members who are not on the current executive. The current President is not an ex-officio member of the nominating committee. If the past-president is unable or unwilling to serve as chair, the Executive may solicit a member to fulfil the duties.
(B) The Nominating Committee shall, prior to the Annual Meeting, present one or more Member(s) as candidates for election to those positions which are to become vacant at that year’s Annual Meeting. In addition to nominees identified by the Nominating Committee, Members may be nominated “from the floor” as candidates by any Member. Only Members may stand for election, or may nominate.
(A) Membership fees and supplemental range access fees will be determined at the annual meeting or, if necessary, at a regular monthly meeting with the appropriate notice and quorum.
(A) The Moncton Fish and Game Association Inc. may grant a Life Membership to a Member who has made an outstanding contribution to the Association over an extended period.
(B) There shall be no more than 12 Life Members at any given time.
(C) A recommendation for life membership can be made by a Life Member or member of the Executive. The decision to grant a life membership rests with the Executive.
(A) The Association will obtain the required insurance for its buildings, equipment and ranges. The Association will also obtain liability insurance for the members of the Executive for a minimum of one million dollars or as required by law for the administration and operation of a firearms range.
(A) The majority of the Association’s spending shall be done through an annual operational budget developed by the Executive and approved by the membership. The annual operational budget (Approved Budget) will be established in this manner and will represent the majority of a year’s expenditures. The Executive will prepare the initial draft based on available resources and estimated expenditures. Motions may be proposed upon an as needed basis to cover expenditures outside the approved budget. The motion will be voted upon at the next monthly meeting of the members, but this requirement may be waived on a 60% vote of a quorum. The Treasurer has the duty and obligation to immediately advise if any motion is financially sustainable by the Association or if a motion will place the Association at financial risk.
(B) The Executive Committee may authorize individual short term or unanticipated expenditures up to $500.00 provided that disclosure and a rationale is presented to Members at the next general meeting and that the resources are available for the expenditure. Such exigent circumstances should be rare.
(C) There are some expenditures that are considered regular operational expenses needed for the day-to-day administration of the Association. These do not normally require the vote of the Executive Committee or the Members. These expenditures would however be identified in the approved budget. Many of the following will be paid for by an Association cheque, but when necessary reimbursement to an individual who was authorized by the Executive to make the expenditure shall be made upon submission of receipts. These expenses are largely administrative in nature and include, but are not limited to:
Rental of facilities for General and Executive meetings;
Payment of insurance premiums to the National Firearms Association for members;
Purchase of locks for range access; {Chief Range Officer}
Purchase of minor materials for upkeep of the range (nails, gasoline, signs, brooms, rake, paint etc); {Chief Range Officer}
Bank charges (Treasurer);
Office consumables (paper, printer cartridges, photocopying, stamps, mail box, laminating supplies, membership cards etc); {Secretary, Membership Director, Treasurer};
A monthly gasoline honorarium paid to Chief Range Officer for travel associated with weekly upkeep of the range;
Property tax and lease payments to the Province of NB and;
An annual Transportation Honorarium paid to the Treasurer
Any other travel expenses incurred by a Member while conducting the work or representing the Association. Such expenses must be pre-approved by the Executive (see By-Law 13).
(A) The Association will pay each year the appropriate taxes on its facilities along with any Lease payments on land held by the Association; and file the necessary annual incorporation papers.
(A) The Executive are responsible for the financial operations of the Association. To that end, the Executive will prepare for the approval of the general membership an operational budget (planned revenue and planned expenses) to be presented for vote at the first monthly meeting following the Annual General Meeting.
(B) The operational budget will have input from the immediate past Executive and committee chairs as needed as well as the general membership and will form the work plan for the Association for the current year.
(C) The operational budget will identify regular administrative expenditures, anticipated committee expenses, range operating costs and revenues, sportsman dinner projections of costs and revenues, and also the community and natural resource projects supported by the Association. Also included will be projections for all known revenues including regular memberships, range access fees, dinner ticket sales and all draws and raffles.
(D) Any affiliations or memberships that the Association wishes to undertake must be identified in the annual budgeting process.
(E) The operational budget will identify any carry-over (or deficit) from the previous fiscal year to the current and a projection from the current to the following fiscal year.
(F) Once approved by the membership (see Bylaw 9 (A)), the operational budget becomes the Approved Budget and represents Member approval for expenditures during the year, subject to cash flow monitoring and reasonable controls by the Executive. Proposed spending or revenue generation not included in the operational budget must be brought forward through the motion process at general meetings.
(G) Re-allocations (approved by Executive) may be made within the budget as long as the Approved Budget is not exceeded either in total or based on categories (Administration, Projects, Range etc), and the reallocation is reported at the next general meeting.
(A) The Association may acquire physical assets that are required for the operation of the Association, or in support of Association projects and activities. The Secretary will keep a list of asset(s) and the current custodian of such asset(s). Examples include but are not limited to computer, LCD projector, fly-tying kits, power tools or firearms for training purposes.
(B) In the case of firearms, the custodian of Association’s firearms used for training purposes must be a Member of the Association, have a valid PAL (or paperwork as required by current law) with the required endorsements for the firearms in question, store and transport said firearms in accordance with the Firearms Act and its Regulations, and maintain a record of use and maintenance for firearms under their care.
(A) Upon any Member having been approved in advance by the Executive Committee to attend annual or regular meetings of an affiliated organization of the Association, or other approved meeting or Association related travel, the Member shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred while attending such meetings. These expenses, covering the Member only, shall include direct gas expenses, lodging plus one meal each way if the length of time of the trip warrants such a meal. Reimbursement will only be made upon presentation of receipts associated with the expenditures. No reimbursement will be made for meals provided by an event organizer.
(B) Per diems or block mileage rates will not be used and there will be no reimbursement for liquor expenses.
(C) The Executive reserves the right to either:
limit the number of persons attending a meeting; or
to place a limit upon the total amount of reimbursement available. (Example – reimbursing or renting only one vehicle if two or more persons are attending the same meeting)
(D) All persons attending a meeting as a representative of the Association and being reimbursed thereto are required to provide a report (verbal or in writing) to the Executive Committee or general membership meeting.
(A) Any and all fundraising efforts undertaken in the name Association by its Members, either in the form of applying for grants, or by solicitation, must have the prior approval of the Executive.
(A) At the November meeting of each year the President shall appoint an Audit Committee composed of two Members to audit the year-end financial statement of the Association. If necessary the two appointees can request a more detailed explanation of financial items from any Association Member, the Executive or committee that has handled transactions involving Association money.
(B) The audit committee shall report their findings to the Executive and may make observations or recommendations as to the financial statement or financial dealings of the Association.
(C) The audit committee may also make recommendations to the Executive as to the general operations of the Association if there is a financial consequence.
(D) The Executive may act on the recommendations and findings of the Audit Committee and will make the audit report available to the membership. The membership may vote to conduct a more thorough audit if discrepancies or lack of financial accountability is present, or to accept the audit.
(A) The Association is the owner/operator of the Victoria Road Range which is on land leased from DNR. The Association operates the range as a benefit of membership for Members who pay range access fees. The Association is bound by and will follow the terms of its lease with the New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources.
(B) All range rules must be followed; failure to do so may result in membership being suspended or revoked.
(C) The Executive may organize special events at the range that may limit access for brief periods to Members (Examples: Youth Range Days, training events, organized shoots, or range maintenance and repair.)
(D) Locks will be placed, and removed, from the range gate as required based on the determinations of Chief Range Officer and the Range Manager in consultation with the Executive.
(E) The Executive, on the advice of the Range Manager or Chief Range Officer, has the authority to implement range-specific rules, prohibit certain firearms, restrict the use of specific calibers or impose or undertake other restrictions in order to protect Members, for public safety or to prevent range damage.
(F) Only Association members who have paid for range access may use the range. Other Members or non-members wishing to use the range may only do so as a guest of an authorized Member or with a DNR Sighting Permit on the approved days. Life-members are excluded from paying range access fees.
(A) On an occasional basis the Association will host Club Range Safety Officer training courses. The Executive has the authority to accept, reject, or limit the number of attendees and will normally reimburse attendees for the course fee if the attendee agrees to serve as a Range Officer at Association events. The Association will provide Range Officers with some form of identification, such as a labelled safety vest.
(B) Range Officers have the authority to instruct persons who are careless, negligent, under the influence of alcohol or drugs, using foul language, or otherwise not abiding by the Association Range Operating Rules, to immediately leave the range facility. Range Officers shall immediately notify the Range Manager or Chief Range Officer of the occurrence and provide all information. The Executive will determine what follow up actions may be taken.
(C) Range Officers shall never use force to remove offenders if they do not comply with the Range Officer’s instruction, but the Range Officer shall call a cease-fire of all shooting events then taking place or to take place, and contact the Range Manager or Chief Range Officer. The RCMP or New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources enforcement officers may be contacted if deemed appropriate.
(D) The safest procedure is to Observe-Record-Report any incidents. Any range incidents shall be reported to the Range Manager, or Chief Range Officer by the Range Officer or Association Member witnessing the incident.
(A) Members wishing to bring a guest to the Association’s Victoria Road Range must inform the Association (via email) in advance of the guest visit; and pay the prescribed fee for liability insurance. Members are directly responsible for their guest’s safety and the guest’s conduct on the Association’s range. The number of guests allowed at the range at any given time shall be identified in the Association Range Operating Rules.
(A) Any Member working closely and privately with vulnerable persons (such as youths or persons with disabilities) in the name of the Association may be required by the Executive to have a vulnerable sector police check performed.
From time to time it may be necessary to amend, modify, or create new Articles of Constitution, or amend, modify or create new By-Laws. Changes shall be tracked identifying the changes/additions made and indicating the date of the Association meeting when the changes/additions were voted upon and adopted.
June 6, 2016 - Version from May 2, 2016 was modified as follows:
Membership wording was clarified.
The office of Past-President was changed to reflect full voting privileges.
The Range Manager was identified as a voting member of the Executive, being nominated by the Executive, and subsequently ratified by the membership.
The Chief Range Safety Officer was identified as a voting member of the Executive, being nominated by the Executive, and subsequently ratified by the membership.
This means that only those elected or ratified by the membership, vote at Executive meetings.
Unanticipated Executive vacancies can be filled by nomination with membership ratification at the next monthly meeting.
Notice of changes to Constitution is increased to sixty (60) days.
Electronic communication was identified as accepted means of broad communication to members.
The Nominating Committee Article X was rewritten to show role of Past President- as well as who can nominate or stand for office.
November 7, 2016 - Version form June 66, 2016 was modified as follows:
Article 3 Membership (B) (2) Youth was modified to eliminate student membership and us age 18 as the threshold for adult membership. Those 17 and under will benefit from a free membership but will not have voting or office-holding privileges.