NB Department of Energy and Resource Development (Hunting, Fishing, Trapping Information)
Migratory Bird Information (Federal Hunting, Regulations and Acts)
Nature Conservancy of Canada
Ducks Unlimited
Wilderness Obsession (Hunting and Fishing news and articles)
Many recreational ‘plinkers’ and even a few hunters may not fully understand the principles of ballistics and how a bullet behaves on it way to the target. Many of us zero to a specific yardage and then do not vary our target distance. Several ammunition manufacturers (CCI, Hornady and Winchester) have on their web sites information on the ballistic properties of their ammunition. The Winchester calculator is useful because the user can input environmental conditions and select the zero and maximum distance. (For example a 40 grain 22LR Winchester Dynapoint © zeroed to 75 yards with no wind and at 69 degrees F will be 0.9” high at 25 yds; 1.5” high at 50 yards; on the bull at 75; and will drop to 3.5” low at 100 yds) Using a ballistic calculator can help you understand what is happening to the path of your bullet and when combined with the practical verification of your own firearm can make plinking more fun as you can now mentally understand if you need to compensate a little high or low depending on the distance. Here is the link to the Winchester calculator (takes a few moments to load). Check out the other manufacturers as well as more of them are including ballistic information.
Knots by Grog – How to tie just about any knot for hunting, fishing, camping etc.
Sometimes it can be difficult to find the target you want at a local outfitter. This site allows you to produce your own targets at home in a PDF format.
Canadian Nature Photographer is a site for those more interested in hunting with a camera.
DFO Atlantic Salmon Conservation Measures